What Can You Do With an Old Printer?
If you’ve ever owned or operated an ID card printer, you’ve probably wondered, “When should I replace my ID card printer?” “What should I do with my old printer?” or “How can I recycle or donate my printer?” Dispose of your old machine responsibly with an organization that will recycle the components or upcycle it into a refurbished unit that will live to see another day. Here are answers to common printer recycling questions.
When Should I Replace My ID Card Printer?
Because of ever-advancing technology and business needs, it’s typical for most organizations to upgrade to a new badge machine every 3 to 5 years. Reasons to buy a new badge card printer vary, but often it’s because newer printer technologies become available – technologies that utilize better energy consumption and greener supply components that result in an eco-friendly printer. Besides the satisfaction of owning an environmentally responsible printer, the latest ID badge printers come with enhanced card security features, plus conveniences like easy operation and faster production speeds. An aging printer can result in costly repairs – and costly interruptions to your badge issuance program – that make a new investment the logical choice.
What Should I Do with My Old Printer?
You’ve made the decision to ditch your old card printer, but did you know you can recycle your printer and upgrade into an improved model at the same time? Better yet, you can save money while doing it. A Plus ID offer printer trade-in promotions. When you purchase an eligible ID card printer, we will accept your existing printer and even offer a credit toward your new printer purchase. Card printer discounts for trade-ins can range from $100 – $700, depending on the model. The manufacturer will ensure the printer is either refurbished, reused for parts, or recycled appropriately. What could be better than getting new and improved equipment that better suites your needs while also helping planet Earth?